Hands On
Our emphasis is to have our trainees learn by actually doing the work. The Station is a commercial farm first and therefore decisions are made on that basis. Every day the cadets are doing the work that they will expect to do in their future employment.
Cadets are working alongside competent staff.
New cadets room with a second year cadets and work with them for 4 weeks out of 13.
A 13 week roster is in use. This lets the cadets know when they will be doing hostel duties or be at the out stations for a week.
A work plan for the day is available to the cadets from the evening before.
As the cadets become more capable they are expected to take on more responsibility and to make reasoned decisions.
The theory training backs up the practical work being done.
First Year
First year cadets are doing mainly general work and become very proficient in that area.
Second Year
Second year cadets get two dogs and spend most of the year doing stock work. This includes horse breaking etc.
By the end of the second year it is expected that cadets will have some experience in most of the practical work associated with this type of farming.