
Who can apply?

ENTRANCE QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be between 16 and under 20 years of age and studying in at least their third year of secondary education.

SELECTION: In August all applicants will be advised whether or not they have been selected for interview. Those selected for interview will be advised of the interview date and time. The results of the selection process will be communicated 2 weeks prior to the interviews.

CONDITIONS: Enrolment is for two years.

Application & Orientation

When do farm cadetship applications close?

Applications close on Friday, 19th July 2024. Applicants must complete the online application form.

Click on the link “APPLY NOW” (on the bottom right of this page) to complete our online application form.

If you are unable to complete the online form send a hard copy to the below address:

Smedley Station
RD 4 Waipawa 4274
Central Hawke’s Bay
New Zealand

Managers: Rob & Jenn Evans

Phone (06) 856 5725

Email smedley@smedley.co.nz

Application & Enrolment Process


Attend an Open Day at Smedley Station – Generally held in June each year. Attendance is highly encouraged.


Applications close Friday 19th of July 2024


Selection and Interviews – During August/September each year


Training commences Early-January & ends mid-late December each year

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